< Cosmic Journey < Super Masao Games < HOME

Space Colony

Masao Construction FX16 / image edited / time limit: 5020 / fast run / safe enemies / grenade: energy cannon
Gathering many mini-stars and six human-face stars, as well as a bit of wits, Masao the 100th scores 1000. Then, the departure gate opens
Operation keys
Click on the title screen to start the game. [Z] also available after the next time
[Left] [Right] - walk; press twice to run
[Z] - jump
[Up] [Down] - go up/down elevators
[Down] get off bars
[Z]/[X] - answer yes/no to Zash the 100th
[X] or [Down] - use energy cannon (item needed)
[P] - pause
[T] - return to the title screen
In smartphone or tablet, tap on [Touchscreen] button under the screen to show these keys